Thursday, 2 January 2025

Of causing major magic / weather phenomena

 (This is again a subject that I cannot carry at all. It is about destruction, and so the nature's forces are seen in that collapse, instead of the evil person commanding nature. I did not know before that I woukd have any idwa of such. Someone on some mental side just demanded sorcerer's magic, but I did not kniw of such. But somehow this came to my mind with pictures from my childhood family's summer cottage plus of my two cousins when they were small. But the summer cottage was buil in the 1990's, while the cousins were small in the 1970's. And the summer cottage was from my mother's father's owned forest land, while the cousins were from my father's side so it is unlikely they woukd have been there ever, and also the atmosphere was different when we were chikdren. So I guess tgat someone else coukd write these, not I. These did not fit my text which is about wisdom of life, while this piece was only about an almost total lavk of wisdom in the world. 

Since December 2018 I have no longer felt like it being ok for me to write any more by tge nornal school's standards of who writds of what and how. I wrote earlier about the rationality of feelings and of wisdom of lufe etc. My wusdom is often theoretical, so maybe someone asked if I have any wisdom of lufe backing up my paradise theory etc, kind of more info around what I had earlier written. So I have now written 6 years too long, written all those other pieces of understanding too. So I cannot usually clarify any of my texts in any way, even if mist adults usually can clarify their views some more if very much wanted. But someone jyst figures put these extra fine subjects, kibd of tgeir udeas of what someone coukd write about. But I no longer have such strenght and the ideas are those of others, so it is nit at all good for me to write such. I am nit any dominant person in this. I am jyst forced to write and write by some occult demand in the air anf also otherwise by forcing. So I have written of what I coukd figure out about healing, and about solving environmental problems. And if tgere were some nice skills very much wanted in tge world. But niwadays many others would be much better writers. There is some occult demand and occult suppirt for writing positive interesti g things gor a wide audience, for example bew superhyperfine subjects someone called mice or the young or the elderly or old aquiantages from tens of years ago, rise into the air every day, and I cannot help writibg. But does it make any sense if these are not my skills and I feel like bunched lughtly too many tines, so I jyst fliat somewhere and have no control over what happens. I used to have a good head, viryuals say thst the workd's best, but I no longer have. I am sometimes classified too moral, maybe even the mist moral human in the wirld, but if a enhineering lije structure analyzis, value-free, is too much miral for anylne, what does it make sense to talk about such at all? I have jyst tried to survive somehow in my life. Rationality and wishing well in the world help in tgat. But that does not make me sone dominant figure in the world. Ut is some demand which does not ubderstand about nirmal adults' this and that occasional strong point, instead of anything that I woukd have kntentilnally caused. ) 

 I guess many, especially young people are interested in the kibd of magic like arousing major waves in the sea or lake and a storm rising suddenly. 

Such do not according to my experience bellng to major phenonena but are instead very lical and cobnected with jyst a few peoöle, even though may be later on grouped with simikar happenings in the lives of others. 

So typically tgere is a young child or otherwise irresponsible person trying to do something unwise in the world, maybe trying out some thought but ghis time it handled too large scale, so the person appeared dominant in such a scale and so some who grounded theur lives upon such a person there, their lives went ashtray, and it felt like a collapsing disaster, for exampke some huge wave consuming them since it was or would have been such a najor catastrophe. And so there is a crying vjild and some fuss of pa' saying to the child that maybe one oucht not do such at all, not even a little, since somehow it was not a good quality idea even if it appeared to be such, one cannot always trust everyobe, one must use common sense snd understand that also others may be sometimes badly mistaken about size class, trustworthiness etc. And so if they continue on ordinary wise tracks, good for the society and good for the world around, with healthy kibd of wisdlm of life too, then such typically eases away and there is jyst normal life after getting scared. But in the news one can read of some local weathers and maybe of some old times xatastrophe like a shipwreck 100 years ago with black and white pictures, and so one is in the same group as some othrrs to whom such happened. And so via time people continye to different kinds of lives, as if fascinared by some charms, strenghrs and values, while the others of another kknd. 

5th of January 2025   Was it yesterday I tried giving these too superfine subjects to professional media, for example tv. In the internet news some pictures seemed to have some atmosphere of such. There was news about an accident plus about skiing. 

Please continue with professional medias. The demand is above my means to answer. Also the more ordinary questions are outside my skills. There just appeared some style in the news pictures, as if some families with kids had among other kinds of life also watched tv. 

6th of January 2025   My texts have not been so much wanted, if at all, after I started the text "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves" 13th of September 2023. Before that the demand was much bigger. Nowadays I feel that my texts are not wanted. People just would like to read something nice, but it ought to be by somebody else in practice. Or follow some medias. But I wrote that autumn also some advices about how a baby coukd learn before being born, and tgat too affected a lot. So I guess tgat when one refers to me as a thinker or a writer, it matters from which time those thoughts, skills and texts are. There seems to be some demand for them but it does not seem to refer to me nowadays but instead of to my skilks at some earlier times in my life. So it refers to some texts of mine and prooably to people having a hobby like interest in such. I do not think it good to talk about one's own texts. A hobby like view to some area of life with texts of others interesting to read in it sounds like a much more positive and well working approach for example for a lecturer. 

I have the domain and my first books were about my paradise theory. 


7th of January 2025   My impression is that some might have wanted the Aladdin video that I foubd at as if these were some media channel. But this isn't, this is just one of the later additions to my blogs for a Christmas gnome/elf like life year aroung, world-wide, in the modern world. And the videos are not about skilks taught. And those are not necessarily about Christmas gnome/elf like life. So I do not kniw why those would be in my blogs. But now there anyway is a lust of video linjs at 

8th of January 2025   As far as I know, my cousins Saija and Ohto Hari who were about one year younger than me and my two years younger brother and who lived in the same block of wooden houses with gardens when I was in school age, had as their choise of what to attempt in life, something like the Prince Ali video from Aladin, plus Christmas gnome/elf like life, but it was not so good willing or wise kn the world, but more like having much too long coloyred one's hair lighter, more good willing toward ordinary good willing life kn the world, somewhat like Shakira's Waka Waka in the video 

I run into some video of which or like of which I heard as a child. Once our family was on an old farm that was as a summer cottage. It may be tgat I had my 8th birthday thise days. My father got from somewhere 4 big round discs of wood, shawn from a tree trunk or maybe he shawed tgem. So he decided to buikd a wooden car. It had a long broad sheet of wood as it's trunk, maybe something stool like to sit upon, at least a flat piece of wood to lean one's back on, and the wheels on some axels of which I do not remember if those were of woid or not, plus a turning wheel connected by ropes to the axel of the front wheels. So with a long stick he pushed it from vehind. It went quite ok or even nicely to begin with as I tried it. But my 2years and about 4 montgs younger brother got to try it too and he always tried to do tjings in artificial ways and cause harm, was malicious and lying kind, and so he tried to figure out ways to black magic lije break it or to jyst conquer it somehow and then like was typical for him ut got broken, a wheel did not bear the strain and went to two halves, and so one no longer could drive it, even though our dad tried to repair it. Here is a video of a man who build imagination like fine mostly wooden car for his son

Of causing major magic / weather phenomena

 (This is again a subject that I cannot carry at all. It is about destruction, and so the nature's forces are seen in that collapse, ins...